In order to be able to use this application, you must read the terms and conditions carefully before using it. If you use the application, you agree to these terms and conditions.
It is prohibited to copy parts of the application to be used for personal purposes without written permission from the developer
These offers are only available from stores and determined by the merchant himself
It is forbidden to copy any part and imitate the idea without written permission from the developer
Only the merchant himself sets the prices for the offers
Earned points are only spent in the store you earned points from
In the event of any malfunction in the method of calculating the points, please contact technical support
In the event of a technical problem that deleted all points, you are not entitled to claim them
If the merchant does not redeem the earned points, you are not entitled to return to us to claim them
This application is affiliated with Loya Company and you are not entitled to take any part of its ideas or pages without the approval of the company
The merchant determines the duration of the offer so that he sets the start date and the end date, and we have the right to refuse or publish the offer
The publication of the offer made by the merchant is based on his strength and compliance with all requirements
We save user information only for return when logging in and store information only for display to users
All rights reserved - LOAY 2022